Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week 4

Tuesday April 16th

Tuesday we reviewed expanded notation in decimal form

Take the following problems for example:

12.57~ 10+2+4/10+7/100

3.056~ 3+0/10+5/100+6/100

When writing in expanded notation if there's a zero in any position, such as the zero in the problem above it's not necessary to write it out, but for me personally it makes it a lot easier to remember which place value the numbers have.

We then went on to expanded exponential notation:

342.5~ (3x10^2)+(4x10^1)+(2x10^0)+(5x10^-1)

The final thing we reviewed was finding percents of numbers, we learned that one of the easiest ways to do so is with a number line, a strategy I'd never used before for this type of problem. It really did turn out be easy to understand in a more conceptual way.

For example: 60% of 30

By drawing the above number line you can see that adding 50% and 10% of 30 would be like adding 15 and 3 and your answer would be 18.

Thursday April 18th

We learned how to solve ratio story problems like the following:

Molly bought six heads of cabbage for $9.30, Willie goes to the same store and needs 22 heads of cabbage. How much will it cost him?

The easiest way to solve a problem like this is to set up a ratio table.

Cost, Number of Heads of Cabbage
4.65   3

9.30   6
18.60  12
23.25   15
32.55   21
34.10   22

By solving the problem this way you're just using the knowledge you already have to divide the amount until it's a manageable number. 

For the rest of the day we finished our final homework assignment :)

Hope this post was helpful!


  1. You had a really good post this week god job!
    I enjoyed the pictures you put in your post that explained expanded notation, Overall you explained the material for the week in a brief but explanitory way. I understood evert step you explained clearly so good job and keep up the good work.

    -Estefania Flores

  2. Good job on your post! Especially with the pictures that you chose to include! They really help with your explanations and examples. Definitely helped me understand better because the notation parts can be very confusing for me. Very helpful over all!

  3. You did a good job of explaining how to get percentages of difficult numbers by finding smaller portions and adding them. The part about expanded notation is detailed too. I like that you included fraction forms to state which place and number falls. This was a really organized and detailed blog, so great job!

  4. You did a great job covering what we did in class! You did a really good job in the section you were explaining expanded notation, nice work! The pictures you used were very helpful. I thought you did a really nice job!

  5. This blog was very helpful. I appreciate all of the pictures you used and the detailed explanations. It was nice that you did a section on expanded notation because not a lot of students were clear on that topic. Overall it was a great blog! Thanks.

  6. You made a very good post this week, everything is well organized and easy to follow. You did a good job describing everything we covered in class that week and the images you used are very helpful in getting the subjects across. Your description of expanded notation is especially helpful, great post.

  7. I really like the way you explained the difference between expanded notation and exponential notation it was very helpful. The visual was also really helpful when showing how to add percentages on the number line. Overall your blog post was really good!
